Friday, May 8, 2009

Rude Comments

It cracks me up at the comments people make to pregnant women. I was on the receiving end of countless rude comments while pregnant with Preston.

"Are you sure there aren't twins in there?"
"Do you really think you are going to make it to your due date?"
and they go on and on...

Well, at 20 weeks they have already started. While checking out at Target the other day the cashier asked how far along I am and when I told her 20 weeks, her reaction was, "Wow, you're going to be huge!"

Really?!? Is it really necessary to make such comments??? This is what happens when a 4'11" woman has a baby, especially big babies!!

I have also heard many many comments on having kids 13 months apart.

"How did that happen?"
"Have you figured out what causes that?"
and the best one..."You know they make pills for that."

No, we did not plan on having kids so close in age but that was what God had planned for us. We are extremely blessed and so excited to have three boys that will grow up close in age. I just know they will all be the best of friends.

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