I had my 27 week doctor appointment today and it went great! We had a sono done to check on the cyst that had developed on Baby's brain. It had completely resolved on it's own like Dr. Jacoby said it would. We couldn't be more happy and grateful. We had a lot of people praying for us and are very grateful for all of the thoughts and prayers. She went ahead and took measurements of the baby and he is measuring right on track. I am currently 27 weeks and 2 days and he measured 27 weeks 3 days. He is approximately 2 pounds and 6 ounces and in the 49th percentile. He is now transverse and laying on his back with his head and arms and legs up in my ribs. It is definitely making it uncomfortable for me! I had gained 7 more pounds. I couldn't believe I had gained that much in a matter of 4 weeks but the nurse said it should all even out as I have only gained 20 pounds all together and it's about average for being 27 weeks. I think we need to lay off the daily snow cones though! :) My blood pressure was 110/70 . I also had blood drawn for the glucose test. I should find out early next week what the results are. I hope I passed and don't have to go on a diabetic diet. I haven't had gestational diabetes with either Carter nor Preston so I will be a little shocked if it shows I do have it. I have been more tired lately so I am assuming my iron levels are low and need to start supplementing but should hear about that next week too. We talked about getting my tubes tied and we still haven't fully decided on if we want to do that. It will only take an extra five minutes in the operating room while I'm having my c-section but it is just so final. I know I don't want to have any more kids but totally eliminating the option makes me a little sad. There are days that I am 100% sure I want my tubes tied and then days that I'm only 75% sure. I know I shouldn't do it unless I am absolutely 100% sure so we have a couple of more months to talk about it. We also talked about when to schedule my c-section. He said I could pick any day the week of September 14th. I don't really care which day and I don't think I will make it that far anyways. Preston didn't make it to his scheduled date so I'm not too worried. My goal is to make it to September. If I make it to September then I will be happy. It is going to be one long hot summer though. It was supposed to get up to 100 degrees today. I'm not sure if it did but it is miserably hot!!
Here is a picture of his profile.

I asked her to confirm that he is still a boy and he is definitely all boy!! :)
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