Tuesday, July 21, 2009

31 Week Doctor Appointment

I went today to see Dr. Jacoby for my 31 weeks appointment. From here on out I am going to start going every 2 weeks. How did that happen so quickly?? My blood pressure was 120/70 and I gained 4 pounds. I am now starting to measure big though. I measured at 33 weeks, so just two weeks over than what I am. I think this is when Preston started putting on the the pounds so it is probably in my best interest to start watching my sugar intake.

We also had an elective 3d/4d sono and it was pretty cool. Baby actually looks like Preston as far as we could tell. I asked the tech if these were pretty accurate as far as what they look like and she told me that she thinks all of the babies look alike. I laughed and said, "Well, why are we paying for this then? We should have just pulled up pictures on the internet and saved some money!" It was worth it though. He has some pretty chubby cheeks and a little cute nose! She tried to get a picture of one of his feet but as soon as she found one, he moved.

I also picked up the CBR cord blood kit. Now I just have to remember to take it to the hospital on delivery day! I think I'm going to start packing my bag and just go ahead and throw it in. I can't believe it's time for me to start thinking about packing my bag!!!!

We scheduled the c-section date. It is scheduled for September 17th which is a Thursday. Dr. Jacoby isn't on call during any of the weekends in September so this way he will still be able to see me the day after Baby is born. If I stay in the hospital for the recommended 4 nights, that will put me going home on John's 30th birthday. I'm not sure how I feel about that. It is such a big birthday and I don't want to take that away from him. We didn't even think about that this afternoon so maybe we will change the date. I'm not really counting on making it that far anyways but we shall see.

Dr. Jacoby performed another fFn test and should hopefully know the results tomorrow. If it comes back negative, it will at least give me peace of mind for another two weeks. I want to keep him in there as long as possible, even though I'm starting to get super miserable. I know it is so much easier to take care of him in there then out here and I definitely don't want to go the NICU route again!

1 comment:

Unknown said...


That is SO exciting! I love the pictures! I think "he" looks like Preston too!! Very neat!! Glad you got the FFN test again...they are so awesome!! I'm praying for you girl and can't wait to meet the newest Manning boy!!