Saturday, July 18, 2009

So Not Ready For Sleepless Nights!

I took Preston to see Dr. Morchower yesterday. I was on the fence as to whether or not to take him so I talked to the nurse. She suggested that I go ahead and bring him in since it was a Friday and he was still so fussy. The doctor said it was just a virus which I figured. But he also said that he was cutting his first molars. He has been such a great teether but those molars must really be bothering him!

I put him down last night at 7. He fussed every now and then until about 10 when he started crying hard. I got him up and rocked him. He went back down and was up again at midnight. I gave him a bottle and he went back to sleep until 3 or 4...I kinda lost track of the time. I tried to give him another bottle but he just wanted to play. I changed his jammies into fleece jammies thinking maybe he was cold. I put him back down close to 5 and he snoozed until 10 am!!

I think you block out how exhausting it is to get up through out the night. He would go to sleep on me while rocking him but wouldn't even lay down when I put him in his crib. I know at one point we both fell asleep in the glider. It does make it interesting considering I have a huge 31 week belly for Preston to lay on! :)

John had to take my minivan to the dealership for some maintenance this morning. So, he woke up early and took Carter with him. Carter had a great time! But the best part is I got to sleep in with Preston! I can't remember the last time I slept so late. Granted, I'm still sleepy but it was definitely nice to get those extra hours of sleep.

Preston woke up in a great mood this morning and is already back to himself. I hate seeing any of my babies sick and not feeling good, so it is so refreshing to see him playing today!

The past two nights, though, has just become a reminder of what's to come with a newborn. I can't wait to meet the little guy but I can definitely wait for the sleepless nights!!!

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