Thursday, July 2, 2009

Self Feeding

I have started to let Preston practice self feeding more solid food. He loves the little Gerber microwavable bowls of pasta. I haven't been brave enough to let him do it with the pasta and meat sauce but here is a picture of him eating chicken/pasta and veggies. He loved it!!
He ate his first "breakfast bar" this morning. Carter loves Nutrigrain bars and would eat them all day long if I let him. Preston managed to gobble Carter's breakfast bar this morning before either of us had a chance to take it away. So, as I was reading the manual on our new Roomba, which I can't wait to use, I sat Preston in his highchair let him have his very own. I only have one more month before we can start weaning him off of formula so I need to get him eating more solid food. Plus, I don't really think baby food is filling him up anymore.

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