Friday, July 17, 2009

Sick Baby

We have been so lucky in the fact that Preston has only been sick twice in his first year. Carter was in daycare full time so it felt like he was always sick. Preston has only had two ear infections and even those were mild.

Yesterday, Preston woke up from his afternoon nap screaming. That is very unusual for him as he usually sits in there and talks to himself for a few minutes before the slightest fuss. I went in and picked him up and he felt warm. He had a very low grade fever. I don't give Tylenol unless the fever is 100.2 or higher and it was right around 99/100. He sat in my lap and wouldn't move from there. He laid his head down on me and we just sat. I thought maybe he had another ear infection or maybe he was teething. Then, after sitting there for about an hour, he threw up all over the place. I don't know where all of this food was being stored because there is no way his tummy is big enough for all of that. Maybe TMI but I'm still shocked. He was so scared as this was his first time to ever throw up. Then as we were cleaning it up it happened again. John took him and went to change his clothes as I went to change mine.

It has been a long time since we have been through this type of thing and I felt like a first time mom all over again. I didn't have a clue what to do next. Do I give him dinner? Do I give him his night time bottle? Do I put him to bed hungry? So frustrating!!

We all sat down for dinner and I put Preston in his highchair and gave him a sippy cup of water and a saltine cracker. He ate the cracker but definitely took his time with it. Towards the end of dinner though it happened again. Seriously...where did it all come from??? Luckily, this time it all landed in his tray and he had a bib on to catch everything.

We took him and gave him a bath and got him ready for bed. I sat with him on the couch while John and Carter went to the store. We had to restock on paper towels and lysol. He also picked up some pedialite. I gave Preston a bottle with 4 oz of pedialite and he quickly drank it. I put him down in his crib and he was out.

He woke up about 3:30 and I tried to give him more pedialite but he didn't want anything to do with it. I tried to put him to sleep in the pack n play in our room hoping he would sleep better next to me but that didn't work out. I took him in his room and we rocked. We rocked FOREVER! I have never been the type to rock my kids to sleep. I have actually done a great job in teaching both of my kids to put themselves to sleep. I never wanted them to depend on someone putting them to sleep. But last night was such a different story. He eventually started to drift but woke up as soon as I laid him down. I stood there and patted his back until he went to sleep again which was about 5:00 am.

He woke up this morning still with a slight fever but nothing big. He drank 4 oz of formula and has kept it down (knock on wood) so far. He still rubs his tummy so you can tell it is still bothering him. He did play for about 45 minutes on his own so that is an improvement.

He is currently down for his morning nap. When he gets up I 'm going to try to give him a little solid food but will stick to the BRAT diet for the day. He is supposed to have his one year old pictures down tomorrow and I really hope he is feeling better and we don't have to reschedule. I absolutely hate to see my babies sick and not feeling good!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm so sorry Preston isn't feeling well!! We had Noah's one year pics today and it was SO much fun! I sure hope Presenton feels better soon!! {High-five from his buddy Noah}