Tuesday, August 4, 2009

1 Year Old Check Up

I took Preston today to see Dr. Morchower for his 1 year old check up. He weighs 19.3 pounds (25th-50th percentile) and is 29 1/2 inches (50th-75th percentile). His eye sight and hearing was perfect and the doctor seemed pleased with everything.

We talked a lot about how to help Preston adjust to the new baby and all of the changes that are happening in our family. I am very worried how Preston is going to react to the new baby. He is very much a momma's boy and when he is upset, he only wants me. Granted, he doesn't really know any different. I am the one that has taken care of him for the past year. Yes, John takes care of him but Carter has been John's main focus this year since I nursed Preston and gave him his baths and etc. Even with bottle feeding for the past 6 months, I am the one that gives him his bottle. So, Dr. Morchower's advice was to have John do more with Preston for the next few weeks so he gets used to someone else. He was pleased to hear that I enrolled Preston in MDO in the fall. He said it would be better to do two days a week instead of one day a week but we are having a hard time affording one day. He thinks MDO will be very good for him to become a little more independent. Dr. M told me that Preston is going to be the epitome of the Middle Child Syndrome, given his age. I wanted to start crying right there. The last thing I want is for my child to have the middle child syndrome. I don't want to overcompensate and give him more attention but how do I find that balance?

Dr. M could tell my anxieties -- he has known me since I was a newborn. He reassured me that they were there for me, even it was to provide me with a glass of wine. lol He reassured me that I would survive and would do a great job. He reminded me that they were just a phone call away.

We also addressed Preston's temper. I don't think I have mentioned the temper that my sweet little boy has but man does he have a temper. He is getting to that age that he is starting to hear the word "no" and we redirect him but he gets extremely upset. He has recently started hitting me in the face if I'm holding him and he doesn't get what he wants. Dr. M told me to not react to him and simply put him down if I am holding him. He told me to redirect his anger at something other than me. How do you teach a 12/13 month old to be gentle???

After our lengthy conversation, the nurse came in and gave Preston his shots. He got the regular 1 year old shots with the exception of the MMR vaccination. I decided to delay that one until 15 months. He is only scheduled to get 1 shot at 15 months so I am grouping that one with the MMR.

Dr. Morchower gave me a hug on our way out and said he would see me in a few weeks with Baby Boy #3!

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