Saturday, August 22, 2009

Silly God

Carter is learning so much in his Bible Class at church. It is really quite amazing how much a 3 year old can pick up in 45 minutes once a week. We do talk about the Bible stories at home and read his little picture Bible but he learns a lot at church. Yesterday, on our way home from running errands, Carter sees some cows. He tells me that God made those cows. Then he starts saying everything he sees and how God made this and he made that. He tells me that God made him and Preston and Mommy and Daddy. We then start to pass Kroger and he starts to giggle a little. He says, "Mommy, God even made Kroger. Silly God." And continues to laugh. His attention quickly went on to something else but it made me crack up with the "silly God" comment.

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