Another uneventful appointment. Gained another 5 pounds!!!! I think this is mostly water though because I am starting to swell up like a balloon. Hello kankles!!! :) Blood pressure was still 120/70 and still measuring two weeks ahead. Dr. Jacoby couldn't tell if Baby was still breech or head down. He could feel a round something at the top and bottom. As of our sono last week he was breech and I haven't felt him flip. The tech said it is unlikely that he will flip at this point since there is so little room.
We talked to him more about having my tubes tied. We know we want to do something permanently but just can't decide which one of us should do it. There is more that can go wrong further down the road with me, unlikely but it could still happen. But if we decide for John to go through it then it is a separate surgery and cost. Since, I am a c-section it just makes sense for me to get my tubes tied right then and there. Dr. Jacoby said in all of his years he hasn't seen any of the complications of a tubal - premenapause or excessive bleeding but the risk is there but very rare. He said the most common thing to happen is to get pregnant!! What??? That is what we are trying to prevent. He did say, however, that it would most likely be a tubal pregnancy and wouldn't be viable. So, I think we are leaning towards me getting my tubes tied but aren't 100% just yet.
I go off of my medication next Monday when I'm 36 weeks. He said that if I go into labor then everything will be fine by that point. I am hoping to make it to at least 37 weeks. That is my ultimate goal.
I don't go back for another 2 weeks and then it will be weekly appointments until I deliver. Still can't believe this is the end of it. It feels like a few weeks ago that we found out I was pregnant.
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