Wednesday, August 12, 2009

A Trip to L&D

A pregnancy just wouldn't be a pregnancy without an early trip to labor and delivery. My contractions have picked back up lately and I felt like I might be leaking amniotic fluid. I went to see Dr. Jacoby this morning and everything checked out fine. He even did a sono and my cervix is still measuring in the normal range, it is on the lower end of normal but still normal. My fluid levels were on the high side of normal, which is exactly what happened with Preston. At the end of my pregnancy with Preston, I had to completely try to cut out all sugar including fruit. He still was born at 38 weeks weighing 9 pounds. So, looks like I'm making another big baby. I am going to try even harder this time to keep my sugar intake lower. The outcome of what can happen with too much fluid is so much more of a reality to me now than it was last year. As I don't have diabetes or gestational diabetes, I still need to take care of myself to the best of my ability right now. I can sacrifice those yummy sugary foods and drinks for just a few weeks to help try to lower my fluid levels.

Anyways, so even though everything checked out okay, Dr. Jacoby still wanted to send me over to the hospital for monitoring and for them to do the ffn test. They can get the results back in an hour where as if I didn't go I would have had to wait until tomorrow. John was with me so he was in charge of the boys. The boys did GREAT! We were only there for 2 hours but that is a long time for a 3 and 1 year old. Heck, I was bored! The ffn test came back negative, the contractions were still rated as irritability and I was sent home. I was instructed to start taking the Procardia again religiously 3 times a day for the next two weeks. After 36 weeks, he wants me to stop and if I go into labor then I go into labor.

On our way out we went to the Newborn Admitting Nursery. I had heard they had gotten rid of it and sure enough they had. They now do everything - first bath, weigh and etc. - all in the room with the mom or in my case in the OR or recovery room. I don't think I really think that plan is all that great. I like the fact that the family gets to see the baby through the glass while they do all of that and they won't get that this time. They are able to come into the recovery room but I get the shakes so bad that I wasn't even able to hold Preston until I was in my post partum room. And I want to be the first one to hold him. I guess maybe they can come and look at him but not hold him? I just don't know.

We also stopped by the little gift shop, A Mother's Gift. I had never been in there and have always wanted to go in. I had one of the lactation consultants size and fit me for a nursing bra. I thought I knew the size but just wanted to make sure. I explained to her the problems I had with bras, I'm short and after two back to back babies, large chested. It is so extremely hard to find a bra that truly fits. She showed me one that I cannot wait to buy. It is on the pricey side but oh my gosh, it looks so comfy. I hope it is. She also explained to me that if you give birth at Plano Presby then you forever get 20% off their nursing bras. How awesome is that? The only downside is that they are inconveniently located in the hospital and the space is so tiny that I won't be able to go when I have the kids with me. I looked online after I got home and surprisingly, the hospital had the best prices. So, maybe I will make a trip up there in two weeks when both boys are in MDO.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Heather, so glad the ffn came back negative! Remember that can change if you over do it (as I know you know!!)So take it easy.

I got my bras at a Mother's Gift and even though they were pricey they did last me through 14 months of nursing twins! I bought 2 day time bras and 2 night time ones.